My first blogpost!

They say “everything happens for a reason”.
If you are struggling with panic attacks, an anxiety disorder, feelings of low self-worth and/or depression, then I’m delighted you have found this page!

I know exactly what it’s like to:

  • have a panic attack and feel like I’m going to die;
  • feel like a totally useless and worthless person;
  • actually be afraid of my own body and mind – like they’re forces that can randomly torture me for unknown reasons;
  • have thoughts of suicide creeping into my mind;
  • grow up in a very dysfunctional family with alcohol abuse and merciless narcissism;
  • feel utter desperation, exhaustion and frustration when having the fifth sleepless night in a row;
  • not be able to even step out the front door of the house – for weeks or months;
  • doubt if that horrible period in my life is ever going to end;
  • be denied real affection, attention, care and love as a child – leading to CPTSD;
  • be absolutely drained of any energy – almost all of the time;
  • be in very toxic romantic relationships;
  • try and escape from my prison for short moments again and again, with alcohol, cigarettes and/or other unhealthy habits;
  • feel like life is passing me by – while everyone else seems to be living it;
  • be afraid of being afraid – because of what it could do to me;
  • etcetera;
  • etcetera.

Having experienced all of the above, plus more, many times over for decades makes me an “expert by experience”. But, here come some disclaimers, it does not make me a certified psychologist, a general practitioner, a psychiatrist or a certified counseling therapist! My knowledge has been acquired by hands-on experience, years of personal research and many conversations with professionals in the field.

So, what CAN I do for you? First of all, I can listen to your unique story with an understanding ear. But more importantly, I will be able to lead you in the direction of healing. Some people can heal from being able to let out their frustrations and fears, others need additional help from professionals. But all profit from speaking with someone who has not only been through it all, but also came out of it a healthy and strong person with goals, dreams, passions and energy, no longer kept a prisoner by his old trauma responses.
I would very much like YOU to become such a person as well – because you deserve it.

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