
  • A short film about our mental prison

    To demonstrate how panic attacks can lead to severe anxiety disorders and feel like a prison, I’ve created a short film and posted it on YouTube. Did it with just my iPhone14 and an editing app on that same iPhone, but I’m nonetheless happy with the result! It does have a happy ending, though πŸ™‚…


  • Fix your self-concept and be truly happier

    In this blogpost/video you will have answers to the following questions: How does your self-concept affect you? So let’s start with how your self-concept affects you:Your self-concept is what you believe about yourself on a deep level. It directly impacts self-confidence, self-worth, self-love and self-respect. The relationship you have with your self-concept has a direct…


  • My first video on panic attacks!

    As I am doing multiple trial sessions with different clients who suffer from panic attacks, I made my first video on this subject. If you are currently having panic attacks and you’re worried or depressed, then this video is for you πŸ™ What are panic attacks and how do they work? In the video I…


  • My first client! <3

    About the client My first client is someone from a group of people who are close to me here in Switzerland. To protect her anonimity I will call her Shirley. Because of a rare physical condition she is often in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, doctors tell her there is basically nothing they can do…


  • My first blogpost!

    They say “everything happens for a reason”.If you are struggling with panic attacks, an anxiety disorder, feelings of low self-worth and/or depression, then I’m delighted you have found this page! I know exactly what it’s like to: Having experienced all of the above, plus more, many times over for decades makes me an “expert by…


Tag cloud:

anxiety anxiety disorder childhood trauma codependency CPTSD depression dysfunctional family feeling stuck healing from burnout healing from depression healing from narcissistic abuse healing from trauma how to be happy how to feel alive how to feel betterhow to feel happier how to feel happy how to feel happy again how to feel loved how to let go of the past how to let things go how to stop a panic attack identify with the aggressor insomnia mental health MHSM narcissism panic attack panic attack symptoms sleep deprivation stockholm syndrom taking back control toxic relation trauma bonding what are panic attacks what is a panic attack